Sunday, 16 September 2012


I got to hang out with two of my very good friends last night and we watched a classic 80s movie called Class.
It is so good. It took us so long to watch the movie because we had to pause it so much because we kept talking over it and missing crucial moments catching up since we have not really hung out in about 2 months.
But the movie was fantastic and made us think.
Is there anybody's parents that you would sleep with?

Movies I have to watch or rewatch :)

Raiders of the lost ark
Top Gun
Stand By Me
Ferris Buellers day off
Garden State
16 candles
Never Ending Story
Punch Drunk Love
When Harry Met Sally
Lethal Weapon
Pretty in Pink
Weird Science
Fatal attraction
Fields of dreams
risky business
Goodbye Lenin
Chariots of fire
land before time
cant buy me love
real genius
battery's not included
an American tale
Peggy sue got married
desperately seeking Susan
9 to 5
flowers in the attic
miracle on 34th st.
Moscow on the Hudson
date with an angel

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Perks Of Being A Wallflower

I just finished reading the Perks Of Being A Wallflower and I loved it. I like the way the book is wrote too the reader. I actually felt like part of the book and as the characters developed as the story went on I felt like the reader was starting to really open up.
I have seen a clip of the movie with Sam and Charlie talking and I really hope that Emma Watsons accent isn't that bad all the way through... I know they live in Philly but still :P
My favourite part about the book was when Charlie and Patrick are on the gold course and drinking wine and laughing. It is something that me and my friends would do and when I was reading that part it made me really really happy. I also really like the way he didn't say what happened to his aunt for ages and when he finally told us it felt like he was ready but my most favourite part was that the story didn't really end. Sam was coming back, we have no idea what happened to Brad or if him and Patrick would ever get back together or if his brother ever did make it big. I really liked that because I hope it did all work out for the best and not knowing is kinda bitter sweet. I want to know because I hope everything worked out but I don't want to know because I like being able to imagine what they are doing now.

I didn't really have a least favourite part of the book. It is a very good book and I would recommend it all of my friends :D